Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life lately...

So, apparently I'm not as good at keeping this thing going as I thought I would be. Honestly, I didn't know Tim had made that previous post (super sweet!) until a week or so ago! I guess I just have a lot less to say than I thought I would! Shocking to some I know :) So in a (somewhat large) nutshell, here's whats been going on with the Konings:

*Honeymoon to the Dominican!
Our trip was FABULOUS! We had so much fun and got some much needed relaxing in. Our days were filled with relaxing mornings by the pool, naps in the afternoon on the beach, and some great meals! The craziest part to me was how long it took me to actually be able to relax. Since we couldn't have our cell phones on, and didn't have a computer next to us 24/7, I found myself so bored the first couple days!! Which is actually kinda funny, because I was almost positive it would have been Tim having the seperation anxiety from society. I survived though :)

Before we left for our trip and ever since, our lives have been almost consumed with trying to buy a house! We have a few in mind in the Hamilton/Holland area, but we need the pre-approval process to be complete first. Thats been a very long and aggrivating process! Without going into details, lets just say its been one roadblock after another, after another, after another, etc. The positive note is that it sounds like the tax credit is going to be extended, so the pressure to have everything done by the end of the month is off!

*Bible study:
Every Wednesday night I'm so extraordinarily blessed to get to meet with some AMAZING women for a Bible study on the women in the Bible. Most of the group is part of Tim's side of the family; a sister and a couple cousins, and others are friends and co-workers. We have such a blast and I feel like I'm learning a lot and getting to dive deeper in the word, which I'm ashamed to say isn't something I've always done. I'm always looking forward to Wednesday nights to see the girls!

*Holiday season!!
Its finallly holiday season! I love this time of the year, its always so full of joy and giving and gatherings and of course the grand-daddy of them all, Christmas! Last year so much time was spent on the wedding that I'm so happy to actually get to feel like it'll be Thanksgiving and Christmas and get to fully celebrate both! I know a lot of people think its a little early to begin thinking and planning, but to me its never too early! I love seeing Christmas items in the store, the sales, the music started to play... ahhh its so fun!

Work for both of us have been going well. I've actually just started a temporary 2nd job to help add some money into the savings account. I'll be working at Sears Portrait Studio in the evenings until Christmas. So far its only a couple nights a week, and really I've only gone once for some internet/computer training. I'm a little nervous, seeing as how I kind of freak out and get full of anxiety when I start something new in my life, but I figure I can do anything for 2 months so I'll make my way through it! And more than likely, as with most things, I'll end up really loving it lol.

So, ladies and gentlemen, thats about all for now! Hopefully it won't be so long until the next post. Also, I really pray the next post will be about something really exciting, like we're pre-approved for a mortgage.

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